The Smooth

is a 100% Arabica Criollo bean of the finest quality. With an intense aroma and a strong body, this blend arises from the cup with a light and balanced taste, sweetened by hints of cocoa and tobacco.


The Smooth

is an accessible, honest, and likeable individual whom easily creates relationships and has a talent for finding the right tone of voice for communicating with people. The Smooth is someone who people readily believe and support. The Smooth has a charismatic, suave and friendly personality that influences others in a positive way. Because The Smooth “cuts the ice” easily with others, and he/she is connected with a vast network of people.

The Smooth Video

Favorite Sport:
Bowling, Table Tennis

Favorite Food:
Spanish (especially the fine Pata Negra ham together with other tapas and shared with friends of course!) 

Favorite Hobby:
Wine tasting with friends, and travelling.

Favorite Social Occasion:
Spending time with partner when not wining and dining with a group of friends.

Favorite Warm Beverage:
A single smooth espresso.


Interest in Coffee

The single smooth espresso is a coffee that has body but also a round finish just like a good wine.  Sometimes it is nice with milk as well. The Smooth always keeps in mind that the quality of the coffee is important but just as important is who you drink it with. Therefore The Smooth’s favorite coffee is the one that is shared with partner & friends.

Most Inspiring Moment

“The first time tasting the marvelous Tignanello wine in Tuscany. We were surrounded by vineyards and fig trees.  It was my first time tasting a fig that had been plucked sun-kissed and ripened.  I shall never forget the intensity of our emotions: the laughter and the joy of being together with friends enhanced by the lovely taste of wine and figs. It was at that moment that I felt contentment because I realized that there was nothing more in life that I wanted except to be with friends and family.”


Motto in Life

“ Your friends are the family that you get to choose. ”